Best Things to See In Super Slow Motion

The Top Ten
1 An Explosion

Walking away from and explosion in slow motion is. Awesome. Also, be sure to play "Ridin' Dirty by Chamillionaire.

Well, of course, an explosion is the best thing to see in slow mo! Wouldn't wanna miss it!

2 A Sneeze
3 Glass Shattering
4 Vomiting

That's just gross man laugh out loud

5 People Power Walking
6 Someone While Bungee Jumping
7 Downward Motion on a Rollercoaster
8 Someone Being Hit in The Face

Anyone thinking of a certain someone?

For the sake of sadism...

9 A Bullet Being Fired
10 Justin Bieber Walking Into Glass Door
The Contenders
11 A Water Balloon Hitting a Window
12 A Cat Putting Its Tail In the Fire

Funny. If not cruel.

13 An Over-blown Balloon Bursting in Someone's Face
14 Grass Growing

Laugh out loud you smart***

15 A Cow Giving Birth

Man I can only imagine the gas!

16 A lethargic sloth
17 An Aircraft Disappearing into a Black Hole

Due to the gravitational time dilation, this would look super-slow anyway, and you actually wouldn't see it cross the event horizon, so you'd need something quite different from a slow motion camera. But it would still be an awesome thing to see, as long as you were nowhere near it.

Converting into molecules and emitting radiation

This is the best... Why is it last?!

I just love that answer.

18 Justin Bieber Bottle Attack
19 Justin Bieber Falls On Stage
20 Miley Cyrus Twerking
21 Someone Tripping Over
22 Moonwalk
23 Water Balloons Hitting Someone's Head
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