Things Some People Are Just Born Not to Have

The Top Ten
1 A Sense of Humour

I don't have this!

My elder sister...

2 A Heart

I was never created with this

Like my mean older sister.

3 Sufficient IQ

IQ doesn't matter. It's just a pathetic number used by kids to have bragging rights.

4 Maturity
5 Money
6 Good Grades
7 Silence

I have this all the time at school. And no, no one stole my car radio.

At least three of my friends can never stop talking

8 Wardrobe

I have an amazing wardrobe full of fandom T shirts and 80's attire. That counts, of course.

9 Talent

I don’t have this!

10 A Lover

every girlfriend I'd ever had ended things with me abruptly/prematurely, my first relationship I'd invested & put in the effort for everything & received nothing in return from them, after that I went towards my backup & that did not go as planned either, after the "conflicting complications" with my backup I decided to no longer be/get involved with relationships nor seek anyone due to the situations that frequently happen/occur to me. every year I count how many years I've been single for & getting involved with mental health groups I can't help but be honest with everyone/anyone, I just openly say it out loud just to get things over & done with for the day & except no reaction at all for what came out of me, everything was perfectly fine before & I committed nothing against anyone ever, are people stupider/dumber or just not average/normal at all because I'd expected the individuals I'd invested in towards to immediately recognize what I was doing & they never ever did & everything ...more

Anyone can have one of these. The hard part is having a "lover" that truly loves you and will never leave your side for ANYONE, no matter what.

The Contenders
11 A Life

I have a life outside of TheTopTens. It's a very small life, but it still counts as living!

I have a completely different life outside TTT. It's a lot of fun being with your friends and family, too.

I do plenty of stuff outside TheTopTens and the Internet

But how can you be born without having a life?

12 A Good Relationship With Their Sibling

Seriously, me and my brother just cannot get along!

Me in a nutshell.

13 An Inflated Ego
14 Confidence
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