Top Ten Things that Some People Find Just Plain Funny

While in a large crowd (and I literally mean shoulder-to-shoulder), a teenage boy shouted "This is fun!" It made everyone laugh and lightened the mood. What makes you laugh? Not everything on this list is my personal choice - just saying :)
Add anything that cracks your face. Or, add anything that you think will crack someone else's! :)
The Top Ten
1 Randomness

Like my conversations with a certain someone on this site haha

Me like purple monkey dishwasher

I just ate a sandwich!

2 One syllable words
3 Other peoples' laughter
4 Deadpan humour
5 Bad singing

People find me funny?

6 Eggs
7 Things your pet does
8 Farts

Yet it's pretty much impossible to explain this one...

So mature of our generation

9 Anyone with a lazy eye
10 Anti humour
The Contenders
11 Poop
12 Levity
13 Cancer
14 One someone stands up and has something on their butt
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