Top Ten Things That A Successful Listmaker On TheTopTens Needs

I've received numerous messages from my followers asking how I "became a legend". So I thought that I would publish my advice.
The Top Ten
1 A passion for a subject

A number of my lists have revolved around science and electronic music, as those are passions of mine. If you know a lot about a subject, you can use that knowledge to an advantage.

The easiest lists for me to make are probably the lists about College Football, Heavy Metal, and I guess sometimes any random thing I would randomly think of.

If I made another list about video games, it would probably label me as a troll because I said that blood and gore needed a good video game.

I am passionate about a lot of subjects, which makes list-making easier: Rock / Metal music, Wrestling, Video Games and Nature.

2 A passion for listmaking

I'm actually very lucky to have even been able to get the chance to redeem myself and become a good user again. However, I haven't really focused on listmaking or really anything until just recently when I started my blog post series. This whole successful listmaking thing is going to be harder than I thought, probably so hard that it will make my redemption look like a piece of cake.

Sometimes, I get a bunch of ideas for my lists while I'm trying to sleep and I get up and write them on paper so I don't forget them.

If you don't enjoy it, what's in it? If you can take it up as a hobby, there isn't really a limit to what you can achieve here.

Yup indeed that's why I sometimes need time away from TheTopTens! To Rekindle my passion!

3 Imagination

And for the next episode of Bloody Hatred, I will rant about one of the most stupid, ridiculous things ever. Flying Rainbow Staircases with a Unicorn Head and Butts sticking out of it.

Hey, I didn't copy anything I heard off of anyone else. I thought hard about each item on each list, and it stood out. It should work for anyone who wants to be a TopTenner.

4 Inspiration

I found out recently that sometimes to stay inspired can be a tough task & you need something or someone to stop the TopTenners Block

You've seen the works of others, and if you can see what makes them stand out, you can learn a lot from them.

Mostly I get my lists by inspiration.

5 Intelligence

A lot of information that goes into your lists will stand out if you think outside the box. It's surprising how far this will get you.

6 Humour

I try to be humorous when I make comments, but I never really felt like being humorous in my lists really works well, if that makes any sense.

I guess that a number of my lists would be drab otherwise.

Oh yes! You need one of these. A warped one works best! Haha!

Funny lists are the best!

7 Originality

I actually focused on this a lot when I had a goanimate account. AT LEAST I didn't TAKE THE EXACT SAME PLOT FROM 546938294 OTHER VIDEOS!

Again, think of something unorthodox that will make an impact. It often pays off.

Oh no, I have 0% of that!

8 Knowledge of the Subject(s)
9 Perseverance

Everyone has been in a slump at least once in their lives, and everyone has made mistakes. But if an impact is negative, don't let it stand out. Just keep going, and be patient, and if you keep telling yourself this, you cannot fail.

Probably that's what makes Alexandr and MatrixGuy. They have made so many lists, and perseverance is what is needed to achieve this feat.

10 Insight

What do TopTenners like and dislike? What do they find interesting, amusing or inspiring? Take into account how TopTenners will respond, and if you're certain that they'll like it, prioritise those thoughts.

The Contenders
11 Modesty

If you boast your list ideas to everyone around you, it gets you nowhere. Let attention come to you, and with time, it will.

12 Creativity
13 Intellect
14 Patience

One day, one of my lists will be featured. One day!

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