10 Things Taken Away from Kids at School

Ugh so much stuff has been taken from me, my friends, ceiling fans....
The Top Ten
1 Makeup
2 Kendama

Damn you ya little wooden object

3 Phones

When you get a text in class..

4 Bracelets

Wowsers that's so dumb.

What? This is unfair.

5 Toilet Paper

I remember in 1st grade I pooped myself and I couldn't use any loo paper

Then what do you want me to wipe my butt with?

6 Candy

I had a lollipop right in front of one of my teachers and she didn't do anything about it.

7 Freedom

" Dem pinko commie schools are brainwash in' mah freed child! I'm HOMESCHOOLIN' YA IN the TRAILR PARK! " - Some random hillbilly...

But school already takes away your freedom. I can't use the restroom without asking and that's taking away freedoms!

I got in trouble with my high school special ed teacher for saying the words 'horse" and "Disney". Those are not explicit words.

In high school, I was in special ed and I can't do anything without the teachers constantly following me around.

In high school my friends and I started a student council to complain and vent about our special ed teacher. She found out and she did not approve of it >:(

8 Hats

In my school you're not allowed to wear hats in the building, because it's "disrespectful". Honestly, who are we disrespecting by wearing hats?

fine I will wear a bandana then because that is not a hat

I hate this rule

You get the idea

9 Popcorn
10 Books

My 5th grade teacher banned comic books in her class because she thinks that "comics are too inappropriate for 5th graders" >:(

The Contenders
11 Drugs
12 PG-13 Movies

My high school special ed teacher thought that PG-13 movies are 'too inappropriate" for school but in my other classes I watched PG-13 and even R rated movies.

13 Pokemon Cards

I remember getting a first generation charizard and my arch enemy throwing it over the fence. I got detention for punching him

14 Handheld Game Consoles
15 Life

School and homework takes up most of our time

Only nerds wouldn't vote for this

16 Jackets
17 Their Dignity
18 Privacy

In high school, special ed teachers said that the students can’t use the restroom without being accompanied by a teacher.

19 Confidence
20 Guns
21 Fidget Spinners
22 Fun
23 Lunch

Sometimes when a kid gets lunch and then found out that they don’t have enough money in their accounts, the teachers make them throw it away.

24 Bladder and Bowel Control

So many kids ended up wetting and pooping themselves because teachers won’t let them use the bathroom anytime

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