Top 10 Things We Learned from Josh Trank's Fantastic Four

The Top Ten
1 How unfaithful you could make a superhero movie
2 How badly you could make a superhero movie
3 How miscast a superhero movie could be
4 How much darker doesn't always mean better
5 How long you could drag the origin story
6 How unaction-packed you could make a superhero movie
7 How rushed you could make a superhero movie
8 How more grounded doesn't mean deeper
9 How many stupid changes you could make to the characters
10 How bad the special effects could be
The Contenders
11 How disappointing a superhero movie can be
12 How to make Dr. Doom look like a crash test dummy
13 Never trust 20th Century Fox
14 How Studio Mismanagement Can Ruin A Director's Career
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