Top 10 Things We Regret When We are in School

The Top Ten
1 Procrastinating

I do that a lot. It's annoying because I don't get much work done. And I could have more time for fun if I didn't procrastinate.

I do that a lot. I don't know why.

2 Not being yourself

I've been myself all my years of school college & university & I successfully graduated being myself, I don't get the point or value of never being yourself, I'm "human" but never of the origin/origins of earth, the common logic of earthlings self humiliation/self-humiliation šŸ˜‚, everyone else in the entire universe never goes "self-sabotage" & going self sabotage isn't advanced for a 0.5 level civilization. self sabotage is considered low brow in all of the universe

I never became myself and the person I am today until I was bullied and had to fight back. Oddly, it was the best thing that could have happened to me between eleven and fifteen years-old.

3 Not studying
4 Not writing certain notes down
5 Not picking classes that are in your fieldĀ of interest
6 Not challenging yourself
7 Not caring about important Test
8 Not exercising
9 Sleeping in class
10 Not joining clubs
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