Top Ten Things We Should Do But We Don't

The Top Ten
1 Study

Aww still I'm not in mood to do it, but I have to do 4 ma better future

2 Spread the Gospel

My #1, as a Chistian I want as many people to come with me to Heaven as possible, and I really don't try that hard. Sorry fellow humans.

3 Be Nicer
4 Eat Healthy Things

I like junk food. But I do exercise because I have to and I want to. I have to because I'm forced to in gym. And I want to because I do tap and ballet and I actually like it.

I sometimes look at the entire snacks aisle at Sainsbury's and think, that should do it for the week. But it's a good thing I get good exercise from martial arts twicea week.

5 Worship Jesus
6 Love Others
7 Save Money
8 Exercise

I REALLY need to start working out. Especially at my age, before I grow up and become obese.

I just hate it and it's so so so so so so hard and boring

9 Pray to Jesus
10 Clean

As told by Narendra Modi that we should clean our environment and surroundings and do not throw any waste on roads and on any place he told to clean India in every possible way it was the main mission of his campaign

The Contenders
11 Go to Church
12 Study the Bible
13 Watch Less TV

Okay, now THIS is something I'm not gonna work on and never gonna do. I need ma T.V..

14 Stop Smoking
15 Stop Drinking
16 Have Sex
17 Stop Swearing

I used sear all the time but I went rehab and they told me to stop it immediately and help kids stop bulling

I really need to stop doing this

18 Fold Fitted Sheets Properly

I NEVER fold my sheets properly. When I go to bed my sheets are messed up, then I just make sure that mY bed sheet is straight. Then I go to sleep and mess them up worse.

19 Spend Less Time On The Computer
20 Do Your Chores
21 Check Air Pressure in Tyres

Moving along at 80MPH check your Air in your Tires

22 Daydream Freely
23 Put Yourself in Others Shoes
24 Meditate
25 Stop Bullying
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