Top Ten Things Which We Want Admin to Change While We Go On Strike

The Top Ten
1 Return to 100 items per page

Admittedly, I was slightly annoyed when the number of lists per page on a user's homepage fell from 50 to 10, but I got used to it. I like RalphBob's idea of choosing how many we see per page in our account settings.

I do not like this new change one bit!

2 Give users an overall voice

They don't listen to us, they listen to data. How do they even get that data? Is it when any visitor comes on the site then leaves, and they interpret that as them thinking something positive about the site? It makes no sense.

3 Allow for criticisms of other users
4 Get rid of No-Hate Week
5 Listen to TopTenners and not data
6 Make the amount of votes on a list always visible
7 Stop forcing positivity down our throats
8 Let there be an option for viewing the order in which the items on a list were originally added
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