Top 10 Things in Which You Wish You Were More Consistent in Life

Ways you personally would like to be more consistent in your everyday life, whether that be physically or psychologically.
The Top Ten
1 With your self-confidence

I'm pretty muck okay with the rest of the items on here, but I do need to check myself with my self belief and confidence from time to time. I suspect it's the same with many people. You chose well for #1, parasN2000.

As we all pretty much know, self-confidence is something that can be difficult to build and can easily be lost..

2 With your memory (short and long term)
3 With motivation
4 With self-discipline
5 With your creativity
6 With your compassion
7 With respecting yourself
8 With your sleep

Would it kill you to stay consistent for once, stupid pineal gland?! Jeez!

Yes. I try to get more sleep and become more consistent with it. Even though I’m a night owl, I want to make sure I sleep enough

9 With your overall productivity

I need to get my life back.

10 With prioritising
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