Top 10 Things that Would Be Both Funny and Awesome to Feature in Super Smash Bros. Switch

The Top Ten
1 Alternate Luigi final smash where he engulfs his opponents in a massive green sun, then throws giant green fireballs into it to make it explode into a screen-filling supernova while laughing maniacally in the process
2 Tingle and Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask as playable characters
3 Ghosts N' Goblins
4 Reyn from Xenoblade Chronicles
5 Shovel Knight as a playable character
6 Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot is a video game franchise of platform video games. The series, originally exclusive to the Sony PlayStation, was created by Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin during their tenure at Naughty Dog for Sony Computer Entertainment.
7 Shrek
8 Brinstar in its overgrown state from Super Metroid, to reflect how long of a time the area has been featured in the Smash series for

Basically two decades, to be exact

9 Wario's full-on nuclear fart from the Brawl trailer as an in-game attack (Wario-Man's Wario Waft)
10 Nicolas Cage as a playable character
The Contenders
11 All characters can summon a house to drop on Bayonetta and it instantly kills her

Well, it would ease the pain of her still being present and still overpowered

Since unfortunately we're stuck with her, everyone should have a way to insta-kill HER for once

Villager's/Isabelle's Final Smash isn't enough

12 The original Spring Man from Mega Man 7 as the weakest boss
13 Spongebob as a playable character
14 Swearing characters
15 Color palettes for characters
16 Mettaton as a playable character
17 The cast of The Avengers as playable characters

You now can play as both Chrises, Scarlett, Jackson, Ruffalo, Hiddleston, and Downey Jr.

18 Cranky Kong gets in before Dixie and King K. Rool
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