Top 10 Things That Would Be Useless If They Were Invented

The Top Ten
1 A water bottle with a hole in the base
2 A silent alarm-clock

"How have Junior's sleeping habits been lately? "
"Well, ever since I bought him that silent alarm clock, not so good..."

3 A smartphone without screen
4 An unflushable toilet
5 A carromboard without holes
6 A metallic pillow
7 A straw with 3 huge holes in the sides
8 A blank calendar
9 A fishing rod without thread

Fishing rods use neither "thread", nor "string".
Thread is used for sewing a button on your shirt, and string is used for flying kites.
The act of fishing uses "LINE".

10 A computer with no keyboard
The Contenders
11 A suitcase without a handle
12 An exploding fridge
13 A clock with no batteries
14 A pistol without a barrel
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