Greatest Things That Would Happen If Nintendo & Sony Released the SNES-CD

The Top Ten
1 Nintendo & Sony would still beat Sega in the fourth, fifth & sixth generation of home consoles.

I'm actually fine with Sony being independent. If anything, Philips should've been on the same team as Nintendo.

2 The SNES-CD would be Nintendo's first CD console.
3 The SNES-CD would totally beat the Sega CD.
4 Instead of Nintendo VS. Sony VS. Microsoft, it would simply be Nintendo & Sony VS. Microsoft.
5 The PlayStation mascots could join the Smash Bros. series.
6 Sony could make the Nintendo 64DD a commercial success.
7 Sega will be begging on Nintendo & Sony's knees to be on their side.
8 The Philips CD-i would never exist.

As I've said before, I'm fine with the PlayStation being a standalone series of consoles. The Philips CD-i should've been the SNES-CD, anyway.

The CD-i sucks anyway.

9 Rare could get backing from TWO companies
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