Top 10 Things You Do in Private

The Top Ten
1 Masturbate

(: Great way for your health

2 Talk to yourself
3 Use the bathroom
4 Moan
5 Get on social networking websites
6 Make top ten lists
7 Sing

If you listen very closely, you will hear me yelling Gloryhammer songs. We are heroes, HEROES OF DUNDEE!

8 Dance
9 Come up with great comebacks for arguments
10 Fart
The Contenders
11 Change a baby’s diaper

It's just like using the bathroom, nobody should be exposed to a baby's private parts and whatever they've done in the diaper. It's rude, disgusting, and inconsiderate to change diapers in front of lots of people and also, there are pedophiles out there who could snap a photo of your baby's privates and post it on the internet and it disrespects the baby's privacy. "The baby doesn't care/is too young to care." is just an excuse, babies are people too and have every right to have privacy like you. You don't see people using the bathroom out in public, the baby should not be subject to people having to see their bodily waste and "junk". So, do yourself a favor and go to a bathroom, if there's no bathroom around GO TO YOUR DANG CAR, if you don't have a car go behind a tree or a bush where no one can see you.

12 Write blog posts
13 Pop pimples

No I don't admit it. I never have pimples in my life.

Let's all admit wee all did that...

14 Watch porn
15 Eat
16 Watch TV
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