Top Ten Things You Learn in School that Weren't Specifically Taught

School Teaches you lots of things, and not all are academic
The Top Ten
1 Adults are not always right
2 How to make friends
3 How to rant really well

Who needs a school for this? I can rant really well and I wasn't specially trained or anything

4 How to last on minimal sleep

Sometimes, I get 30 minutes of sleep due to homework.

5 How to be a Machiavellian powerhouse
6 How to secretly sleep in the middle of something
7 How to disagree
8 How to put on a happy face
9 Sometimes, things are corrupt
10 How to eat schlock
The Contenders
11 How to think critically

If we think with just our perception and what we think is right, we would learn probably 10 times more than a usual school does. Its something that's unfortunately never taught and has to be learned all on your own :/.

12 Pretty people get everything

Extreme good looks top money, intelligence, skill, pretty much everything. That's just the way it is.

13 How to have fun without getting caught
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