Top 10 Things You May Not Know About Undertale

The Top Ten
1 Sans actually exists outside of the Genocide Run

We all know that, but most people pretend not to.

2 Alphys is by far the darkest character in the game

She is crazy, she made these mutant creatures by injecting determination into them. Her own girlfriend, Undyne, ends up melting because of too much determination. Worst of all, Alphys turned Snowdrake's mother into one of those.

Oh...come to think about it Alphys's character is pretty dark. Didn't it hint that she committed suicide in the genocide run?

The True Lab was like a horror game!

3 All of Gaster's messages can be translated into English
4 Sans is white
5 Alphys was literally portrayed as a female version of Ren Hoek in the fanfic "Alphys Hoek", which parodied no less than six of the greatest episodes from Ren & Stimpy
6 Alphys X Amalgamates actually became a real, full-on sexual shipping at one point, and I have sincerely regretted being responsible for its creation ever since
7 It got overrated because it actually was a legitimately great game as well as a revolutionary work of art
8 Its creator actually spent the full 60-80 hours playing Xenoblade Chronicles prior to Undertale's creation, deciding to make it much shorter than XC as a result
9 Nintendo has eagerly suggested that Toby Fox should make an agreement with them to get Undertale ported onto the Wii U and 3DS

This needs to happen... (please Toby? )

10 You can actually get into Sans' room
The Contenders
11 Burgerpants' official in-game sprites are just about literally identical to his original concept art
12 The Memoryheads are most likely fragments of Gaster
13 The ghost living inside Mettaton's robotic body is actually female
14 Alphys is also the hottest character in the game
15 Undertale marks the second time that Megalovania has been reused officially by Toby Fox
16 Over 70% of the entire soundtrack is comprised of leitmotif
17 Napstablook gives you negative experience points if you choose to "kill" him
18 Omega Flowey's design was literally tossed together in Photoshop; in fact, its true name is actually Photoshop Flowey
19 The relationship between Sans and Papyrus is staggeringly similar to that of Mario and Luigi
20 The Amalgamates in Underfell look exactly the same as the original ones
21 The game runs 30 FPS
22 Alphys is bisexual
23 There is a hidden note in Alphys' trash can that says "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID"
24 The game's title literally has the exact same number of letters as the word "overrated"

Don't say Gosh's name in vain, me!

Oh my gosh you're right

25 Alphys ironically treats all of the Amalgamates as her cute little pets, despite their horrifyingly grotesque and probably intimidatingly large appearances
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