Top Ten Things You Might Do After Reading This List've read this list... what will you do now?
The Top Ten
1 Go to another list by another user

Probably what most people would do after reading this...

Yes, exactly what I was going to do, do you read minds?

I'm going to do this after I sleep

2 Go to a completely different site

No, I'd rather stay here.

3 Add a new list

I'm preparing one!

4 Work your way through every list on TheTopTens

Slowly but surely that is the goal

Or comment on every list!

5 Commit a weird, random act

I ran through the mall naked pretending to be a rabid chimpanzee. Is this random enough?

There is no such thing as random

6 Go shopping

I would if I could.

7 Sleep

I just slept after reading this list.

I'm just going to go take a nap

8 Pray for my sanity
9 Add Justin Bieber to the list

I just added it! Haha

10 Wonder why the hell you read this list

Well, I had to add Justin Bieber here!

*goes onto TheTopTens newest lists*
A mediocre Wildhawk list! An absolute must-see!
A brilliant newcomer list. Meh.

The Contenders
11 Eat tinned sardines
12 Pee

Wow. I actually went while I was reading this list, lol

This made me want to go pee.

13 Dance like no one's watching

Nobody is watching me, so I'll give it a try.

14 Read your messages

Someone messaged me after reading this list.

But I got no message?

15 Follow the creator of the list

Advertising 101

16 Prepare for the arsenal game.
17 Play

I'm not the only one who plays this? (on occasion)

18 Look at other lists by Britgirl

That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm looking over all the interesting lists she has on her page.

19 Read a book
20 Listen to music

Listening to skillets rise right now

21 Add a comment to one of the items on this list
22 Eat
23 Throw up after taking steroids
24 Visit a profile of someone who commented on this list.
25 Rickroll people
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