Top Ten Things You Probably Did Not Know About Adolf Hitler

The Top Ten
1 Hitler lost one of his testicles

Serves him right for all the nasty things he did!

He never had the balls to beat the Soviet Union

I actually knew this one but not the others.

2 He never visited a concentration camp

He never actually organized the camps, himmler did.

True. Can't visit something that didn't exist.

3 Hitler could have gotten killed in WW1 but a British soldier saved him and then Hitler later recognized the soldier

I bet that the soldier wasn't too happy later on...

If only he knew how much of a mistake that was...

I bet that soldier regretted it later on.

That soldier shouldn't have done that

4 Hitler got a bunch of Jewish artifacts to make a museum about an "extinct race"

Hitler is bad because the media told me to

Ugh seriously? That's horrible!

5 Hitler was 4 and was drowning when a man jumped and saved him

And the man was a Jewish lifeguard

He should of drowned.

Curse that man

6 Hitler was a vegetarian and created laws against animal cruelty

Yes Cereal Guy... I Am Agree with You...
I am not racist... and I don' support anti-semitism and killing people...
But yes... he is a genius and charismatic Leader But also very evil!

I red it somewhere

7 Hitler lead the first anti-smoking campaign

Watch the David cole documentary

Hitler is more believable than those anti-smoking commercials I see on T.V..

The only good thing

8 Hitler's first love was a Jewish girl

The gentleman gamer, Adolf Hitler, was the supreme incel of his time upon being rejected by Jewish Stacy/Veronica.

Maybe she kicked him to the curb and caused him to hate Jews

Dang, that chick must've really broke his heart.

9 He was nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 1939

Wow... I didn't Knew That... Hitler? Peace? The Joke of Year...
Peace Prize for A Man Who think the one race is better than Other Humans Races!
A Pure Evil...

What how in the name of hades did that happen

This doesn't make any sense

10 In his youth, he actually wanted to be an artist

I actually knew that. I saw it on a YouTube channel called OverSimplified.

Yeah but he was rejected from entering Vienna Arts college in 1907 as well as 1908

I knew that and his dad also married his brothers daughter

And perhaps he should've stuck with that.

The Contenders
11 He had a farting problem

Britgirl should see this.

12 Hitler almost drowned in a lake but was saved by a priest

Too bad he was saved.

13 He was a Disney fan

Who put this stupid stuff?

14 His death didn't come from the war, it was from suicide

He did not want to appear at the Nuremberg trials and be punished so he committed suicide.

Who would've known he committed suicide? Well, at least we can be thankful I guess.

15 He had a fascination with wolves

Hitler was the world's first furry.

Adolf is a furry

16 He took daily dosages of Crystal Meth prescribed by his Doctor

You might safely say that's mainly why Hitler has gone downhill, creating an advantage for the Allies to turn the tide against the Nazi Empire by shredding them down to their last foothold and grasp of the Empire.

17 Hitler consumed up to 2lbs of chocolate a day
18 He was scared of the dentist
19 He wanted to kill the Three Stooges

Is it true?

I love the Three stooges but they somehow insult Hitler

And the show was in 1943

20 His body was buried four times before it was finally cremated and the ashes thrown into the wind
21 There are claims that he wanted to maintain his moustache because he thought it would make his nose look smaller
22 He considered creating a "Museum of an Extinct Race" that would house his collection of Jewish artifacts
23 He actually protected one Jew, Eduard Bloch
24 He tried to rebrand Christmas

He intensely disliked the star on top of the tree and tried to replace it with a Swastika. He also wanted Christmas to be called Yulefest instead and even fought with the church over this. He removed all references to God and Christ.

The church ended up winning out.

25 Hugo Jaeger was his personal photographer
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