Top Ten Things You Probably Shouldn't Say to Your Boss

Try to avoid saying these things unless you really want to get fired.
Note: I didn't come up with this idea.
The Top Ten
1 What do you even do all day?
2 I could definitely do your job.

Ha! Just what Theresa May told David Cameron over a few pints one drunken afternoon in the Fox And Hound...

3 I can assure you that I can do that—after I take this FaceTime call with my friend.
4 Did I ever tell you about the time I read my old boss' emails?
5 If the layoff rumors are true, could I be the first to go? I’m really over this place.
6 I’m only here until I find something better.

This is the secret message everyone has

7 Does unlimited vacation time mean you'll pay me not to ever come in at all?
8 I've been fired from every job I've had.

Except this one...yet

9 You're really wearing "that" to the meeting?

Don't judge what people wear.

10 A co-worker and I are arguing about whose job sucks more. Want to be the final judge?
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