Top 10 Things You Probably Won't Do Again

The Top Ten
1 Smoke

Funny how some put a halt to it only when they're six feet under the ground

I wish people would stop with this. It's so bad!

2 Eat Tofu

What? I'm Asian and I love tofu!

3 Use a Pencil
4 Use MSN
5 Go to the Gym
6 Do a Lord of the Rings Movie Marathon

Each movie is like 3 hours long each with a total of about 9 hours.

7 Go on a Diet
8 Not Use Protection
9 Watch 2 Girls 1 Cup

I don't know why anyone would want to watch it once let alone a second time.

10 Do a Star Wars Movie Marathon

Watching A Recent Wrestlemania Will Take Longer Than a Star Wars Trilogy

The Contenders
11 Go to an Amusement Park

The only thing that interests me about such parks is the rides..

I actually love amusement parks. I just won’t ride anything with a loop because I almost fell out of a loop roller coaster when I was 5.

12 Drink Warm Beer
13 Eat Chili Powder
14 Visit Singapore

Lots of people with corona virus

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