Top Ten Things You Should Not Do in a Snowstorm

Man, I remember the time I was in a snowstorm! I was scared for quite a bit because I don't know what would happen.
The Top Ten
1 Get out of the house with no warm clothes on
2 Cut the heat and electricity from your house
3 Use a stove top for heat

This can actually cause a major fire.

4 Keep any pets outside

I knew a guy who didn't let his pets in during the snowstorm. I feel bad for the poor pet.

5 Use a grill for heat

Grills should stay outside!

6 Drink alcohol

There's a rumor that it can increase body temperature, but I heard that it decreases your body temperature instead!

7 Eat or spoil all the food
8 Neglect to charge your phone

What if your power goes out?

9 Get caught in bad traffic during heavy snow
10 Deploy hot water on a car windshield

I've heard that it can cause windshields to crack!

The Contenders
11 Drive too fast
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