Things You Want to Happen In Doctor Who Series With the 12th Doctor

The Top Ten
1 The Master Rules Over Gallifrey

We never know what happened to him

2 The Doctor's Daughter Returns

If Mrs Tennant does not want to take the rule, she can still regenerate into a different body

3 A Renegade Dalek Gets the Doctor's Companion

I know it sound weird, but still...

4 The Doctor Goes to Pompeii and Meets Caecilius

I would love that

Lol. That would be funny. Also, person who commented on the #1, we DO know what happend to HER.
(Yes, I said {"her").

5 K-9 Gets Destroyed
6 The Name of the Doctor Gets Revealed
7 The Weeping Angels Return
8 The Beast Returns
9 Rose Returns
10 Martha Jones Returns
The Contenders
11 Captain Jack Harkness Returns
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