Top 10 Things You Wish You Were Able to Do but Can’t

Everyone would be really happy if you can do these things.
The Top Ten
1 Teleport anywhere

I sense Quantum tunneling rather much a pleasant alternative to teleportation, but why not both?

I think this almost everyday while stuck in traffic here in Southern California.

I would love to open portals so I can go through them to anywhere

I would go everywhere during the summer and NEVER be bored!

2 Control everything in the world

If I could do that, I would create world peace forever. Like seriously what else would you do if you could control the whole world?

3 Draw anything and have it come to life
4 Fly
5 Be invincible
6 Copy anything so you can have infinite amounts of it

Infinite money. Infinite of your favorite food. So many possiblities

7 Make anything you hate disappear

I would love to make oversensitive people and stupidity and people who don't understand basic science.

I would like to make bullies, terrorists, rapists, serial killers, perverts etc, to disappear.

8 Be happy forever
9 Live in your dream house
10 Bring back dead people
The Contenders
11 Time travel
12 Stop people from obeying rule 34

Well, maybe we can.

13 Telekinesis
14 Shapeshift
15 Make people love and appreciate you
16 Never get hurt
17 Run at super fast speeds
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