Top 10 Things You Wouldn't Do to Get Yourself Fired from a Horrible Job

The Top Ten
1 Poop on your boss

He will beat you up so that you can feel the pain forever!

Nobody ever did this & if...I would be so sorry for the boss

Why is this number 1? I do this all the time!

Well umm this would be interesting

2 Break all of the furniture

Even though it's not a nice job, it isn't friendly to break everything that they spend they hard work money on.

3 Flood the whole job with fish from PetSmart
4 Sing Baby all day long

A more lethal approach would be to play baby all day long. You might just kill everyone in the building!

5 Jump on your boss table and do the Harlem Shake

It's dumb and funny at the same time.

This is totally the way I'd be fired.

6 Get Freddy Fazbear and his crew to hunt everyone down

I have some advice to the people who are running : RUN AND SCREAM LIKE WILD!

For some odd reason... I wanna see this.

7 Force your boss to ride a bull

That could kill them!

8 Call your boss the Enderman of (Insert job)
9 Rob all of their money

I think this is the worst way. You will get arrested and ending in jail.

Get fired and arrested.

10 Sing Shake It Off repeatedly

Ugh, such an annoying song by such an annoying singer!

The Contenders
11 Pee in the boss's filing cabinet
12 Throw a Temper Tantrum
13 Swear
14 Moon someone
15 Fart
16 Eat your boogers
17 Talk About Corpses
18 Get violent with autistics
19 Beat people to death
20 Cry
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