Top 10 Tips on How to Be a Good Atheist

Atheists get a bad rap for being rude, ignorant and close-minded. If you wanna be a good atheist, then try following these tips listed below. I guarantee you that they will help you in life.
The Top Ten
1 Respect Everyone's Beliefs

If you really don't want to be close-minded, then simply respect others' beliefs. You don't necessarily have to agree with them but at least respect them.

No. I don't respect others beliefs. Why? If they are immoral or wrong. I will argue against them not on them, but on the belief

I am athiest but I do go to Asian temples with my mom and cousins and aunts and uncles and pray with them.

2 Know That You Can't Prove That God Exists, But Also You Can't Prove That He Doesn't Exist

It's true. Nobody can know if a God exists or not. That's why we all still hold different beliefs. Let's keep in mind that we should stick to whatever belief makes us comfortable as long as we're not harming anybody.

The burden of proof is on Christians, and since they haven't had any conclusive pieces of evidence, the most logical route is to say God doesn't exist

This agnostic ideology, not atheist ideology, they are different

3 Be Open-Minded

Keeping an open-mind is important. You don't have to agree with a person's opinions but be more open-minded to different ideas around you. That way you don't stick to just one idea cause sticking with one idea can get pretty boring at times (like I said though, you don't have to agree with different opinions so please don't bandwagon).

4 Understand That Since You Believe You Only Live Once, Don't Waste It By Committing a Crime

The atheist believes that he only lives once. And if he committed some sort of felony, his one shot at life would be ruined by spending forever in jail. Don't get yourself in trouble with the law.

No, not going against the law is just the basic decent thing to do regardless of what you affiliate as

5 If You're Going to Tell Someone That You Don't Think God is Real, Then Use as Much Tact as Possible

Tact is something we should all have. So if you're going to criticize someone's beliefs, make sure you're not a complete d*ck about it. It just makes you look nasty.

6 Don't Spend Your Life Hating on God

You're not an atheist if you hate God. If anything you're a misotheist. A misotheist is a person who hates God. Now those are the type of people who wanna try to kill God, not atheists.

7 Keep a Good Reputation

I know I've said this many times but it really is true. A good rap really should matter to all of us.

8 Do Good Things

If you wanna break the stereotype that all atheists are heartless a**holes then simply do good deeds like helping the poor or washing a car or whatever. That way people will respect you a lot more.

9 Be Nice

Don't make fun of religious people who are not nutters
Only the nutters would go to places like Ark Encounter, use CapAlert for movie reviews and take them seriously, read chick tracts, join Rapture Ready and make a letter for Rapture Letters and least but not last May 21st 2011.

10 Don't Be Negative

Nobody likes a negative person. Negativity will just ruin your happiness and self-esteem. Try to find different ways to deal with your situations so you can overcome them and not let them take control of you.

The Contenders
11 Point Out the Fallacies that Christians Often Use
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