Top Ten Best Tombstone / Lonnie Lincoln Quotes from Marvel

The Top Ten
1 Perhaps...but someone should point out I offered you a handsome salary to do just the sort of thing you did tonight...and instead, you've done the big man's business for free...that, my heroic friend, is what grown-ups call irony.
2 ...Then you should make an appointment, or perhaps we'll make an exception for the hero of the day. I am L. Thompson Lincoln...In my life, I've been called many names, my favorite is Tombstone!
3 ...I'm late for a funeral...Yours!
4 That was work...this is how I get my jollies!
5 No witnesses down here... I assume you remember our last physical encounter...
6 You old-school types always make things personal...but a criminal empire should be run like a business...
7 Speak for yourself, bug boy. I don't breathe!
8 I don't micro-manage...
9 I really should start locking those windows...
10 I'm gonna prepare a coffin for you. A real flat one, brother!
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