Top 10 Best Topics In Thermal Physics

The Top Ten
1 Entropy

Entropy is so much more than thermal physics. It's fundamental to life science, particle mechanics, cosmology, and any aspect of science you can think of. Any field of science you study has the relationship with entropy and the arrow of time as a crucial cornerstone.

Entropy also explains concepts in domains of science not even related to physics, like biology for example

2 Carnot's Engine
3 Specific Heat
4 Latent Heat
5 1st Law of Thermodynamics
6 0th Law of Thermodynamics
7 Ideal Gas
8 Real Gas
9 3rd Law of Thermodynamics
10 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
The Contenders
11 Newton's Law of Cooling

This might seem obvious, but I had to add this because it's such a fundamental concept in heat transfer

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