Top Ten TopTenner Personality Opposites

The Top Ten
1 LockedUpHater - A version of Keyson that hates everything
2 InsturmentalTurkey - A stupid version of PositronWildhawk that loves instrumental music

I don't mind instrumental music. Just as long as it's got a decent rhythm.

Really? Humans are not far behind Turkeys then! But irrelevant, Pos is an alien.

What's bad with instrumental music?

3 Fitgirl - A selfish, mean, horrid version of Britgirl

If you think this is a rip off of Top Ten Alternative TheTopTens User Names, it is not. I actually made that list also.

4 LameUser - A boring, non-amusing version of Funnyuser

It would be creepy if someone created an opposite account of everyone and exactly what you said for each of us, same name, and in my case a boring and unamusing version of me. Think about what I just said... Wow.

5 Idiotsunu - A dumb, unpleasant version of Kiteretsunu that would not make a good friend

Idiotsunu in Japanese can be translated as "Bakaretsunu" where "Baka" is the Japanese word for stupid.
Of course, Kiteretsunu is a Japanese name that has been derived from a Japanese manga.

I should have done Bakaretsunu. That would have been so much better. Of course, I would have to have looked up idiot in Japanese.

6 MoldyPersonality - An unfriendly, hostile version of MoldySock
7 PetWhiteNoise - A version of PetSounds that doesn't appreciate music
8 InsaneGuy - An insane user who believe that bombs could make the world beautiful and a more crazy version of CerealGuy
9 Harrythespongebobhater - a mean version of Garythesnail who hates Spongebob and people

I would hate for a user like this to get on this site.

Positron's real name is Harry, why use his name?

I think that would be my opposite...

10 Perkyasylum - A mean version of Turkeyasylum who hates Total Drama and anybody without large breasts and plastic surgery
The Contenders
11 QuietBoringGuy - A quiet, boring, and uncool version of SuperHyperDude
12 familyguydude - A version of simpsondude that hates TheTopTens and likes no one
13 WWSleep - A version of Subhashsahu that doesn't like WWE
14 NoMoAnime - A version of Kormo that hates anime
15 StupidJake - A dumber version of EpicJake

Don't even make such a name! Epic Jake is epic! His name describes himself well!

16 Perfect56 - a version of andre56 who isn't boastful and uses perfect grammar
17 Wakefortelevision - A version of dreamformusic who hates Winx Club, and is disrespectful towards all users.
18 RiverClanSucks - A unfriendly Justin Bieber and One Direction person who hates Warrior cats and My Little Pony and the opposite of RiverClanRocks

I meant to say a Justin Bieber and One Direction fan. And RiverClanSucks hates Pokemon too.

I can't imagine you liking One Direction and hating Pokemon...

19 RedDiamondFromNowhere - An opposite version of BlueDiamondFromNowhere that hates fashion, shopping, books (especially Pretty Little Liars), dramatic live-action shows, Christianity, horror movies and jewels

That can be my perfect oposite. Also, she hates everything about Garythesnail

20 xandermartin69 - A version of xandermartin98 that constantly makes sex jokes

I hope nobody would sign up in TheTopTens who is like that!

21 NegatronWildhawk - A straight up evil clone of PositronWildhawk
22 HyangduiHaebalFegelein - An illogical and cowardly version of VelitelCabal who is obsessed with One Direction and Nicki Minaj, and hates good music especially Metallica.

Hyangdui Haebal is a title given to Kim Jong-Un. I hate Fegelein because he is a coward. I don't hate any of the Command and Conquer Characters so I looked for commanders in the real world.

He would also believe in right and wrong.

23 Chickenjail - A disrespectful user who hates Total Drama and worships Nicki Minaj
24 MalphGob - A guy that hates Simpsons and The Beatles, Loves Sanjay and Craig and #selfie, and is an opposite of RalphBob

This wouldn't be that good of an opposite to modern me, though.

25 CastlevaniaHater821 - A mean version of CastlevaniaFanboy128, who hates Metal, video games, anime, science, japan, but loves school and is totally serious with everything
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