Top 10 TopTenner Profile Pictures That Look Weird When Zoomed Out

The Top Ten
1 BigBrotherSucks

Probably the biggest profile picture to fall victim of this.

I thought it was a rugby player when zoomed out.

Looks like glasses. Yellow glasses...

Looks like a weird yellow heart.

2 Keyson

It looks like a guy leaning across a bed. Quite shocked when I actually saw it close up.

I thought it was a cat on a couch.

3 Kiteretsunu
4 Billyv
5 Minecraftcrazy530
6 Songsta41
7 SuperHyperdude
8 Turkeyasylum

That's by far the best-and funniest profile picture on here. - IceFoxPlayz

9 MoldySock
10 gemcloben

Well, I thought it is very clear.

The Contenders
11 AngryByrd

I thought it was a guy in a suit...

12 Batmaniscole
13 BlueDiamondFromNowhere
14 Ralphbob
15 Garythesnail
16 egnomac
17 MidKnight
18 PositronWildhawk
19 venomouskillingmachine
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