TopTenners Most Likely to Have Lists on the "Newest" Tab

The Top Ten
1 Metal_Treasure
2 MegaSoulhero

He deserves the number one spot, lots of lists have been on that tab and gotten featured

3 egnomac
4 ModernSpongeBobSucks
5 Martin_Canine
6 BoredJeff02
7 zxm
8 htoutlaws2012
9 Britgirl
10 Randomator
The Contenders
11 CrimsonShark

When he does make one, it usually his, they're as top notch as it get.

12 PeeledBanana
13 EliHbk

Quite a few of mine were before

14 Fullwalking2
15 waldo
16 zoocksycootserana
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