Top 10 Torture Methods

The Top Ten
1 Breast Ripper

That's when you rip or cut off woman's breast. (Do not read this)

I'm not going to explain this one.

2 Judas Cradle

A rusted infected spike that you are slowly lowered onto from your sphincter to which it will either rip you open or it will kill you from infection, have fun with this one.

3 The Rack
4 Cement Shoes
5 Saw Torture

When they hang you upside down naked and saw you in half.

6 Iron Maiden

Just imagine a coffin with a bunch of spikes in it. This was basically to make people talk

7 Tongue Tearer
8 Pear of Anguish

Basically, it's a pear shaped metal object that can open up. It was used on liars, homosexuals, and lesbians. The pear would be shoved into the liar's mouth and would be shoved into the "other openings" of the other two. When the pear opens up, it can cause immense pain and it can shatter your skull when placed in your mouth

9 Heretic's Fork
10 Neck Torture
The Contenders
11 Breaking Wheel
12 Knee Splitter
13 White Room

You are surrounded in a white room where you are devoid of most, if not, all your senses. You are fed plain white rice and the guards outside will wear padding on their shoes to prevent you from hearing them. A brutal psychological torture and it could lead to severe memory loss and stuff like that

Absolute silence, you see nothing but white

14 Blood Eagle
15 Head Crusher
16 Rat Torture

A clever and painful torture method. A cage filled with live rats is strapped to a person's body with the open side facing down. An object is put at the other end of the cage which is then heated up. In an attempt to escape the heat, the rats begin borrowing through the person's flesh.
It's almost sad that all of these creative, clever methods no longer exist. I kind of see it as a form of art.

17 Flaying
18 Coffin Torture
19 Hot Iron Branding
20 Scavengers Daughter
21 Brazen Bull
22 Impalement
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