Best Trollhunters Villains

The Top Ten
1 Gunmar

If it weren't for Season 3 he would be way lower, but Season 3 made him look like a badass in fights!

2 Mr. Strickler

Easly the best vilian in the serie, he's even one of my favourite characters in the cartoon! He's so intersting!

3 Morgana

Merlin’s nemesis is beyond evil as well as the most dangerous wielder of dark magic in all of existence. Morgana is a more powerful and dangerous threat to the world than Gunmar was.She started the war between trolls and humans which resulted in Gunmar’s birth, created changelings, enslaved Angor rot and had the idea of bringing forth the eternal night. When in reality, Gunmar and Angor rot were .But luckily, Merlin created the amulet, beginning the line of trollhunters, which gave humans and trolls hope and sacrificed most of his magic in order to imprison her. Then, she is defeated at the hands of Jim and his team. But even though Morgana is trapped in the shadow realm for good, there is no doubt that she is alive and will be returning as the main villain of wizards. The eternal night was possibly the beginning of her ultimate conquest as Morgana is plotting to conqueror the entire universe with the help of a newly forged alliance which she will lead. Furthermore, when she ...more

4 Angor Rot

He was pretty cool and creepy awesome

5 Bular

He is the first villian in the cartoon which makes him kinda special. And his design is awesomne!

6 Otto Scaarbach

He was a pretty interesting character.

7 Nomura
8 Dictatious Maximus Galadrigal

He is one of four villians that later turned nice, theo ther one being Angor Rot. This guy was pretty good at first, but then when he turned good the creators realized he was blinded in Season 2 so he barely did anything good so that's why he's low.

9 Queen Usurna

She is so terrible, her character is rubbish and is one ofh te most rushed cahracters in the cartoon! She was decent in Season 2, until the last wo episode when she decided to be a suprise villian for no reason, and not only that, since the creators appearently didn't want to have her in the cartoon finale they gave her a lame death one episode before the finale because they don't even know what to do with her. Shows how terrible and rushed she is. Not only that, she even tortured and brainwashed her own people!

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