Top Ten TV Show Ideas Based Off TopTenners Usernames

The Top Ten
1 The Key To The British Girl's Heart (Keyson, Britgirl)
2 The Positron Files (PositronWildhawk)
3 Blue Topaz (BlueTopazIceVanilla)

Lol. A series based on the daily life of a Topaz. It could be sooo cool…

4 How I Met Your Metal Treasure (Metal_Treasure)
5 Live with Gary (GaryTheSnail)
6 Skeleton Army (SirSkeletorThe3rd)

MYAAH! With my veteran Skeleton Army, we shall take over the world!

The series will be about Skeletor and his Skeleton Army trying to take over the world but failing in hilarious ways...

This actually sounds possible

7 The Milkshake Club (Milkshake)
8 Glez Club (Martinglez)

It's about a club of people who's surnames is Gonzalez (That's where glez comes from), it's a comedy similar to friends.

Thanks to Unicorn for adding me

9 Key To The City Of Cha (Keycha1n)

I like this one! It's a pretty good show idea!

10 Python (MontyPython)
The Contenders
11 The Powerful Girl (Powerfulgirl10)

Already is a show lol

12 Alpha Wolf Q Zone (AlphaQ)

Lol, this is a dope title. Cool idea, dude.

13 Cats and Corn (Catacorn)
14 Kitsune in Twilight (TwilightKitsune)
15 Epic Show (EpicJake)
16 Team Rocket's 747 Days of TopTens (TeamRocket747)
17 Love From Badlands: Inside Halsey's Album Badlands (lovefrombadlands)

I would watch this show

18 Cami Gets A Frog (camisFrog)

My new favorite show

19 Breakfast in Year 2005
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