Top Ten Signs You're Addicted to Twitter

I have a Twitter account and most likely like everyone else, I go on it on a daily basis but here are the few signs you might be OD'ing on crystal twitter.
The Top Ten
You make a list about signs of being addicted to Twitter
You lost touch in reality
You have exceeded the 1 million tweets during your first month on Twitter

This isn't possible as the tweet limit for one day is 2,240

You jump off the window with excitement when you get a single follower
You retweet or favourite every single tweet under the sun
You talk about it too much

People like that are really low-lifes. Put down your iPad and look at the world around you.

You tweet out to someone for attention and hopes for retweets or favourites
You tweet out everything to do

"I am writing on twitter. I spelled twitter without a capital letter. I spelled each word wright. Nope, right. I am about ready to post this comment. I am posting comment..."

You follow way too many people
You check your Notification as soon as it shows up quickly like drawing your gun at a Mexican Roulette
The Contenders
You tag people just to get attention or get noticed by your followers
You support cancel culture
You become a social justice warrior
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