Top Ten Types of People We Adore

The Top Ten
1 Justin Bieber Haters

" I love JB AH" Shut up.
"Oh great, Justin Bieber." May I offer you a hug and some cupcakes?

2 Top Ten Lists Users
3 Fans of Sci-Fi

I am one of them!

4 Introverts

... And outkasts. I value these people a lot more than the loud extroverts, who only think that money and looks are the most important values. I love those who express their heart through their shyness and beautiful values.

Introverts and shy people all over the world unite

5 LGBT Youth
6 Outcasts
7 Sweet
8 Ghetto
9 Apolitical People
10 Loud
The Contenders
11 Heroes

Saw the movie IT before bed, read a book about heroes though they would kick pennywise's ass

12 Comedians
13 Nerds
14 Bronies A brony is an adult male fan of the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The fandom gained enormous popularity during the 2010s.
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