Ugliest Cities In Romania

There are many beautiful cities in Romania, but some are horrible. Vote for the ugliest city!
The Top Ten
1 Copșa Mică

A dead industrial city.

Not as nice as you think.

2 Aninoasa

The only city that declared insolvency in Romania.

3 Caracal

Cranes between buildings and a lot of strange things.

4 Călan
5 Vulcan
6 Lupeni
7 Uricani
8 Bucharest

Bucharest is UGLY, especially Ferentari and Rahova districts.

9 Hunedoara
10 Petroșani
The Contenders
11 Oțelu Roșu
12 Zalău
13 Galați
14 Alexandria
15 Turnu Măgurele
16 Slobozia
17 Brăila
18 Călărași
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