Top Ten Most Underrated VeggieTales Movies

The Top Ten
1 Celery Night Fever
2 VeggieTales: Live! Sing Yourself Silly
3 The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown
4 Beauty and the Beet

My favorite episode! Last one we got before that In the House garbage.

5 Rack, Shack, and Benny

Wow! A VeggieTales version of the same Bible story! How awesome the only thing that went wrong was they forgot to make the Fire seven times hotter like it said in the Bible

6 Pistachio
7 SweetPea Beauty

A sequel/spinoff of "A Snoodle's Tale", and some shipping of Larry with Petunia... along with a powerful message.

I saw this episode today.

8 The Little House That Stood
9 Madame Blueberry
10 Dave and the Giant Pickle
The Contenders
11 Veggietales in the House

No, Veggietales in the House is OVERRATED. The animation and episodes are absolute garbage, what happened to all of the things they did before Dreamworks took over? Dreamworks didn't make a dream, they just made it a NIGHTMARE.

This version of VeggieTales is an awful, also I read this fanfiction of VeggieTales In The House, it's called "VeggieTales In The House Feelspasta: Petunia's Depression" it's an amazing read, everyone should check it out.

I actually like this version oh, it's not as good as the original series but it's decent for what it is

12 The Star of Christmas
13 Maclarry
14 Sumo of the Opera
15 A Snoodle's Tale
16 Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!
17 Veggietales: Where's God When I'm S-Scared
18 Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed
19 Larryboy and the Bad Apple
20 King George and the Ducky
21 The Ballad of Little Joe
22 God Wants Me to Forgive Them?!
23 Are You My Neighbor?
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