Top Ten Most Unfair Eliminations On Total Drama

The Top Ten
1 Courtney (TDI)

I think Courtney's elimination was definitely the most unfair, although I can understand why Lindsey is first I think Courtney's was the most unfair by far. She was just beginning to mellow when Harold replaced the votes and although she wasn't necessarily liked everyone deserves a relationship.

2 Lindsay (TDI)

I feel like all of Lindsay's eliminations were unfair but by far her elimination in Total drama island was the most unfair but she did make it pretty far

Is it just me, or does Lindsay always have the most unfair eliminations?

Unfair Heather got rid of her.

Well, eliminated for flipping off heather. This is a kids show. So that’s why they kicked her out

3 Lindsay (TDA)

What type of lazy stuff is this? Writers had Lindsay vote herself off? And it was especially unfair because Beth distracted her! (I was rooting for Beth to win, by the way.) Beth looked at Lindsay, and Lindsay just pressed carelessly! What kind of stuff is this?

This was not and unfair elimination, she ACTUALLY said, "No lip gloss is worth this! " And she ACTUALLY picked herself to be eliminated.

Your talking about Lindsay's Total Drama All Stars elimination - Gehenna

4 Gwen (TDWT)
5 Trent (TDI)
6 Courtney (TDAS)

Ok, Courtney was supposed to win All-Stars, but Ed McDonald didn't want that to happen, so he had to write that Sundae Muddy Sundae episode and totally ruin Courtney. We wanted a strong good finish, not a weak good one. (I'm very glad Zoey won though.) But, now thinking of it, Courtney needs a chance!

Her friendships with Gwen and the others have completely ended. Thanks, Mal.

7 Ella (Total Drama)

Ella gets kicked out automatically just for singing! I hate Chris!
And I hate Sugar too.

8 Zoey (TDROTI)

So, you know how Cam and Zoey were planning for a friendship finale? Yeah, that didn't happen here this time. Although the finale was iconic.

9 Sierra (TDWT)

Chris is so full of himself. Sierra does a nice thing for Cody, especially on his birthday, but, no! Chris does not care about that. All he cares about is the loss of his plane! Get over it! (even though I like planes) He doesn't care about how kind Sierra was. All he cares about is his plane that she ACCIDENTALLY blew up! It wasn't on purpose! And what is next is that Sierra is eliminated. No. And she's all exploded, and her hair is ruined. R.I.P. Sierra. Screw you Chris!

Sierra's elimination in total drama world tour was SO unfair she was doing a nice thing for Cody singing happy birthday to Cody on his birthday and then she ACCIDENTALLY set the plane on fire. Chris cares more about a plane which isn't human then a real life and human person who was Sierra .This was so unfair ! I am livid with Chris and then to make things worse her hair was all burnt of poor Sierra

10 Dawn (Total Drama: Revenge of the Island)

Dawn got framed and no one knows/or cares.

The Contenders
11 Noah (TDWT)

His team should have won the challenge because they actually completed it. Noah was unfairly eliminated that round.

As much as I love team Amazon and glad that they won, Chris said to catch "Jack the Ripper", in which Noah and Owen here, does. But after that, Chris says Team Amazon wins for catching Duncan! 🤦‍♀️ Dude! You said you wanted them to catch Jack the Ripper, right? That's what Noah and Owen did. But you just had to change it to Team Amazon for catching Duncan! Make up your mind! If you wanted Duncan. then why didn't you tell the crew to catch him? And after the team lost, the asset, Noah, gets the boot. Great. Awful elimination.

12 Leshawna (TDI)

I honestly came into this list thinking she would be in top three. Very surprised to see her in twelfth. I think the biggest thing yall got going for the other campers is that yall like them, but in reality, Leshawna's elimination was just as unfair, if not more unfair, than Lindsay's and Courtney's and everyone elses excluding Max (which I'll get into). Leshawna was in the top 5, which itself takes a lot of hard work. She was a very strong competitor, winning the very first individual immunity in TD history, and if TD wasn't depending on the story, the elimination order would've went like this:
5: Heather (obviously no one liked her)
4: Duncan (Gwen & Leshawna would work together extremely well and defeat the guys where Chef will take out Duncan again)
3: Gwen (although Gwen deserves to be a finalist, if we compare how good Owen was in the final challenge, and how good Leshawna was in the first merge challenge, & in all the other challenges quite frankly, Gwen doesn't stand a chance.
2/1: Owen/Leshawna.
She had the best shot at winning Total Drama between her and Owen. Now I will admit even though she is my absolute favorite character, her elimination isn't the most unfair. It's second. The most unfair elimination on here was Max's elimination. He also got top 5, and obviously he would've just gotten out the next episode without Scarlett accompanying him and all the other characters being legit beasts, so why was his worse then Leshawna's? Because Leshawna's was based on the contestants accidentally voting her off. Just like Courtney's was Harold (a contestant) rigging the votes. Or Lindsay's was her "losing" the race/voting herself off. Max was straight up eliminated because he said the word "evil", and Chris didn't want to hear that word anymore. So yeah...

13 Beth (TDI)
14 Duncan (TDI)

Why the heck did Chef get to choose who is eliminated?

15 Bridgette (TDI)

The male alliance! As much as I like Heather, the alliance should have voted her! Duncan is wrong! She didn't win immunity because of Lindsay! Hang on, that rhymes. XD Anyway, Leshawna was the one that got immunity! So why do you have Bridgette get the boot! She is my favorite character and should have won!

16 Gwen (TDAL)
17 Noah (Total Drama)
18 Cody (Total Drama)

Heather distracted him, giving Alejandro an EASY win! It's also unfair because Cody is HALF AS STRONG as Alejandro!

19 Mike (TDROTI)

I wanted Zoey to win immunity, but Scott had to ruin it! And then, just when things went good again with Mike and Zoey, shwoop! Like that! Scott sends Mike home. Chris decided to have Scott send someone go home, and, out of everyone, it's MIKE! MIKE! Zoey should have won, Chris should have either did it the regular way, or have her send someone home, so that either way, Scott could go home.

20 Ella (TDPI)
21 Topher (TDPI)
22 Duncan (TDAS)

This is the worst, but what is not to be expected Total Drama All Stars is lazy

23 Jasmine (TDPI)

I hate Sugar. You know the thing that they did to Lindsay back there in Island. They should have done the exact same thing to Sugar right here. Nobody was lying when they said this was the worst season.

24 DJ (TDA)
25 Ezekiel (Total Drama Island and World Tour)
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