Users of TheTopTens Who Have Used the Same Profile Picture As PositronWildhawk

I've been noticing that people have been getting PostrionWildhawk's Infamous Profile Picture and pasting it to theirs, I find it stupid, but I'm just going to make a list about it.
The Top Ten
1 Turkeyasylum

I remember when everybody did this for the first time, and I had no idea who anyone was?

2 JaysTop10List
3 gemcloben
4 Puga
5 Therandom
6 BlueDiamondFromNowhere
7 nintendofan126

After I saw everybody else using it, I decided to use it as well.

8 FasterThanSonic
9 htoutlaws2012
10 xandermartin98
The Contenders
11 Kevinsidis
12 2storm
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