Top 10 Users of TheTopTens with the Most Knowledge in Music

Now days lists about topten users are becoming famous . So I just tried to make one list about users who have great knowledge in music .All kinds of music .
You can add yourselves on this list if you are not here .
The Top Ten
1 Metal_Treasure

Thanks for noticing! I am honored to be at #1 on this list. Music is my universe.

He corrects everyone's music list.he knows a lot about metal music

2 ryanrimmel
3 IronSabbathPriest
4 PetSounds
5 zxm
6 Ananya

Oh wow people...Thanks

7 Billyv

Agree with you guys. He deserves more credit. He is more familiar with stuff like Bob Dylan, The Band, and Jim Croce (just to name a few) than most of us users on the site. His comments are very valuable.

He doesn't make a lots of lists about music but that doesn't mean he don't know. I have seen his comments. he adds a lot of great contents to lists. he knows a lots about folk rock and classic rock music

8 Beatlesboy9
9 gemcloben
10 WonkeyDude98
The Contenders
11 Britgirl

Thank you for including me, but I don't really feel I can be placed anywhere on this list; certainly not among the giants of music lovers such as Gg2000 and Metal_Treasure et al. While it's true I have a huge passion for LISTENING to music, my actual knowledge of music is pretty limited. I just love what I love, and, umm...yah, that's about it. I appreciate the mention though. Thank you.

12 Mumbizz01
13 PositronWildhawk
14 catwalk
15 christangrant
16 LightningBlade

Well he knows a lot about classical piano music, semi about metal, all about Christian rock, mostly everything about pop, game OST, all about Christian Metal, etc.

Great for alternative metal and christian rock

17 Martin_Canine

Thanks a lot for including me on this list, but actually my knowledge is pretty limited. I just like a bunch of artists no one knows, and am pretty familiar with German music mostly of the 21st century and how it evolved. Basically I know much about the music that was released since I was born and I grew up with, which happens to include several artists not famous outside of Europe next to big name American ones.
Nevertheless I appreciate and respect all music of all ages, even if it doesn't fit my subjective style.

Thanks so much for including me on here! :3

He is being overly modest very knowledgeable about music.

18 somekindofaguy

Thanks for adding me!

19 BrianScott01
20 LightningStrike

The rock lord!

21 EvilAngel
22 MontyPython
23 BlueFrostOfThunderClan
24 htoutlaws2012
25 MatrixGuy
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