Top 10 Video Games/Series That Will Ruin Friendships

The Top Ten
1 Mario Party Series

The game franchise gives players the opportunity to act like total jerks to their friends either by stealing coins or stars from them or screwing them in the mini games.

Showcases some of the most messed up mini-game rules.

2 Battletoads

If one player gets a game over both players will be forced to start over.

3 Super Smash Bros Series

THIS SHOULD BE NUMBER ONE. My friend is better than me and I want to kick his ass on real life but he is good person to hang out but unfortunately over there my friendship first time made me want to act bad with him because I hate losing games in general. This game causes much rage than any other games. I prefer to play alone instead with my friend except racing games because I'm not as competitive as on smash it's just fun but usually cancer for wasting your nerves. My friend used to afraid to play with me because he imagines smashing his console but when I promised to do not get rage from games it's just bad but ridiculously causes me depression

That's how a lot of people act during this game.

4 Mario Kart Series
5 Left for Dead Series
6 Double Dragon
7 World of Warcraft
8 New Super Mario Bros. Wii
9 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Four Swords (GBA)
10 FIFA Series
The Contenders
11 Fortnite

I like the game but one of my family friends is being affected by it and hanging out with jerks that hate him and ignore him.

12 Call of Duty Series
13 Sonic CD

I'm only saying this because I have seen friendships torn apart by one question: Does Majin Sonic have a mustache?

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