Top 10 Ways to Annoy TheTopTens User Neonco31

You want to annoy me guys? Try any of these items I posted. Add some more if you like to!
The Top Ten
1 Force him to listen to Filipino music

Please help me, Neonco31! I get blocked of my account! Please give me value! Please! Please! This is ChatNoirFan18! I want to crying! - ChatNoirFan18

Neon, if you don't listen to Filipino music, you will be stabbed!

I'm a Filipino but I don't usually listen to OPM, I like international music better

*ties Neon up and puts headphones on him* Ready?

2 Force him to like Frozen

I dare you to sing "Let It Go! " in front of my face!

3 Force him to watch Peppa Pig and Dora the Explorer

Neon, if you don't watch Peppa Pig or Dora the Explorer, you will be stabbed!

I hate Peppa Pig and Dora with a BLAZING passion

4 Call him "Neoncrap31"
5 Diss Fluttershy in front of him

I love Fluttershy and you'll annoy me when you diss her in front of me

6 Force him to do a 100-item Math test within an hour
7 Shove porn right into his face
8 Scream "FEGELEIN!" 3 times while banging a desk 3 times
9 Say you like Danny Phantom
10 Say "Buttercup is better than Rainbow Dash" a million times again and again
The Contenders
11 Rickroll him

Put the video link into your YouTube button and I click the button to send me to rickrolling

12 Force him to like Barbie

Ugh. Barbie is too girly but at least MLP has a lot of boys who like it

13 Call him Satan
14 Hack his YouTube channel

Maybe I will hack his youtube channel because he hates perfumelovers (i am NOT perfumelovers)

15 Force him to watch Sanjay and Craig 20 times a day
16 Have Lauren Faust Cancel My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

And rerun again until some bring hater tries to KILL me!

17 Say "Fennekin is ugly!"
18 Ground Him Forever
19 Laugh at him for liking My Little Pony

Haha. You like MLP. You are so immature, lololololol. Ok I was being sarcastic because Neonco31 is the only mature brony I have seen.-LitSavage

20 Say Rock and Metal are the best genres as a fact

I love both genres but remember the word opinion?

21 Say you dislike MLP
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