Best Ways to Celebrate Pi Day

No. I'm not talking about the food. I'm talking about the number. The coolest, grooviest number in the world. Here are some ways to celebrate 3/14...
The Top Ten
1 Buy a bunch of pies and throw them at your worst enemy, screaming: "HAPPY PI DAY, LOSER!"

I should do this to a really annoying kid in my class.

2 Spend the whole day reciting Pi

I do this even if it's not Pi Day.

3 Make a homemade pie

Its not about pie the food pi the number

4 Have a "Pi Party" at your house

Someone I know did this.

5 Eat a bunch of pies 'till you're so sick you can't stand up

I don't even like pies, but if you do, go for this one.

6 Use your artistic side to celebrate Pi

This means drawing, poetry, stories, haikus, the list goes on and on.

7 Run 3.14 miles (or kilometers, depending on where you live)

Oh, heck, can't you just run in a circle with a kilometer/mile in diameter exactly? You'd cover pi pretty accurately!

I'd get so tired...

8 Eat Pie
9 Create some pi ambiance

The way we do on Christmas with all the decor. I really need a Pi T-shirt.

10 Don't forget to celebrate at 1:59 PM (or AM if you're desperate)

On Ultimate Pi Day, I celebrated at 9:26.

The Contenders
11 Watch Life of Pi
12 Make sure everyone knows it's Pi Day

I wouldn't shut up about a week before it happened.

13 Watch Pi (1998)
14 Prepare for Pi Approximation Day
15 Try to figure out the ending of Pi
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