Top 10 Ways to Control Your Anger

The Top Ten
1 Take a Walk

Take a walk with my dog

2 Hit a Punching Bag

I do a martial art, which involves punching and kicking stuffed shields a lot. It's a great way to both stay fit and clear your thoughts.

This will not make you calm down, it will make you be more angry.

3 Play Video Games

The best way to Punch people and steal a rocket launcher and get the nuclear mod and destroy EVERYTHING

Well I was playing a Roblox Obby and then I got so mad I pushed my desktop off the table (not on purpose, the table shook) and it broke

This game is the reason my enemies are still alive.

This actually helps!

4 Take a Deep Breath

This is the most helpful way for me to control my anger

I gotta take a breath when i rage.

5 Talk to a Buddy

That increases my anger

6 Sit Down and Think
7 Sleep
8 Get a Drink of Water
9 Listen to Music

This works well if you like the music a lot. Singing along/dancing helps.

Just play some Deicide. They're a good stress reliever.

This song is a classic and it can clear your mind.

A great song that will soothe your anger.

10 Masturbate

This doesn't help me. Like, at all.

Nah. This doesn't help.

The Contenders
11 Punch Your Pillow
12 Don't Think About It

That's difficult

13 Exercise
14 See Something You Like
15 Count to Ten

This never helped me for some reason

16 Cuss

I don't like to turn cussing into a habit because the more I cuss, the less affect it has.

I'm a pretty foul mouthed dude angry or not, so it doesn't do much for me

17 Watch a Funny Show or Movie
18 Put a Rubber Band Around Your Wrist and Pull It

I do this to stop myself from killing anyone who makes me angry, it works

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