Top 10 Ways to Describe Liv and Maddie

Here are some ways to describe this very bad show! AND to the emo fanboy, if your reading this, SORRY!
The Top Ten
1 Stereotypical

They're also so dramatic. So what if you'll never see Liv in a while? SUCK IT UP MADDIE!

Get off of his back, you might make him more depressed, I mean geez

2 Annoying

How do you love that picture? Is it because of how to describe Justin Bieber? He beat up his girlfriends as if he were Chris Brown! - The Ultimate Daredevil to TwilightKitsune

Nah that Justin Picture!

That picture though!

Love that picture!

3 Boring

It's really boring

4 Worse Than Sanjay and Craig

In my opinion, Liv & Maddie and Sanjay & Craig are on par with each other with a 0.5/10. But if I were to pick whichever one of the two shows I hate more, I would go with Sanjay & Craig. - The Ultimate Daredevil

It is sanjay and craig is great go craig

Both shows suck. End of story.

5 Cringeworthy

Best way to sum it up lol.

6 Dumb
7 Overrated
8 Horrible
9 Rubbish
10 Stupid
The Contenders
11 Worst Disney Channel Ever
12 Disgusting

The Nicki Minaj The Nicki Minaj picture

13 The Most Retarded Show on the Planet
14 Bad, but Overhated
15 Sweet
16 Wonderful
17 Adorable
18 Cute
19 Best Show in the World

No it's the worst dora is better well there both bad but I will wacth stupid over sappy any day

20 Ugly
21 Whores
22 Nickcom-esque
23 Disappointment
24 Mixed Bag
25 Mediocre
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