Best Ways to Describe the Miles "Tails" Prower Fanbase

The Top Ten
1 Bratty

I second the other comment here. I understand that it's your opinion and that you seem to have had encounters with a few disagreeable Tails fans lately, but that doesn't mean it's fair to make lists of this nature that brand the entire fanbase as such. There's plenty of mature and well-adjusted people who appreciate Tails for who he is, and as for the silly ones, just take no notice of them.

2 Jealous
3 Stupid
4 Know it alls
5 Dumb worshippers
6 Obnoxious haters
7 Hypocrites
8 Arrogant people
9 Dicks
10 Nice
The Contenders
11 Open-minded
12 Canadians
13 Dumbasses
14 Calm
15 Friendly
16 Lovely People
17 Beautiful People
18 Awesome
19 Influential
20 Generous
21 Gentle People
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