Top 10 Ways to Die In King's Quest VII

The Top Ten
1 Ch. 4: Getting Attacked By Boogieman
2 Ch. 1: Drinking The Whole Pot Salted Water
3 Ch. 5: Getting attacked by swamp monster after getting past that were-bear
4 Ch. 5: Getting Run Over By Headless Horse Man
5 Ch. 5: Not Placing The Firecracker Through The Keyhole On Time

Let's hope that does not happen to mine

6 Ch. 4: Rossella Gets Scared To Death While The Crying Lady Revealed Her Face
7 Ch. 4: Getting Caught By Kids
8 Ch. 3: Sales Snake Turns You Into Stone After Bothering The Bird 3 Times Without Talking To Fernando The Bull
9 Ch.1: Getting Drowned after taking one any item from Offering Bowl without Giving the stone pebble
10 Ch. 2: Riding on The Cart with 4th wheel without spark

I'm not too sure what happened to Rossella in the cart after her 4th wheel collapse in front of the Big Troll guy before the screen turned to game over scene. Mabye the troll guy beat her up or something I don't know. But I'm surprised that she didn't got killed before the game over screen showed up.

The Contenders
11 Ch. 3: Get bitten By a spider while trying to rescue a humming bird
12 Ch. 2: Getting crushed By Crystal Dragon's tail while trying to hammer the scale piece when the tail is up, blocking the gems
13 Ch 1: Getting Dehydrated
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