Top 10 Best Ways to Find Happiness

The Top Ten
1 Fall in love

Anybody is happy when they're in love

2 Make a family
3 Be at peace

Finding inner peace is like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle; it's frustratingly hard to find but once you've found it, everything else just falls and fits nicely into place.

4 Achieve your dream

Agree. Once you have what you aim for, you are at your lifetime high. Everyone should aim at least somewhere, I stick with that for life.

5 Help others
6 Be successful
7 Travel the world

Travelling is a lot more than just travelling its packing your bag in one part of the world and unpacking it in another yet it is quite a lot.

Traveling is really fun if you like to meet new people

8 Make lots of friends
9 Let the bad things go

Definitely! Lovely list and I totally agree. Just throw all the bad memories, the negativity and anything that doesn't make you smile away; no one wants to carry that kind of baggage around, it only weighs you down and slows you when you're trying to move forward.

Don't be scared to change. Surround yourself with peace, love and harmony. Don't forget, nothing is perfect! Just let your negative thoughts go away. Peace!

Caught a two-headed catfish last week. One head spoke Cree-o, t'other had Tourette's. Since the circus weren't in town... I let it go.

10 Give up hope of the hopeless
The Contenders
11 Do what you like
12 Work out
13 Be accepting

Accept all your mistakes. Don't put too much blame on yourself or on someone or something. Laugh. Life is worth living. Treat your past with positivism.

By the way TheTopTens page rocks, I love it!

14 Have faith
15 Food
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