Top 10 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

The Top Ten
1 Walk around dressed in Black with a fake walkie talkie while humming the Mission Impossible theme. When someone asks what you're doing yell "Look out!" And push them behind a shelf.

Who doesn't want to get kicked out of walmart. It is my dream.

That would be fun! Who wouldn't want to go to jail?

2 Go into a dressing room and yell "There's no toilet paper in here!"
3 When the announcements come on get on the floor and yell "The Voices! They're back!"

I have always wanted to walk into a random Walmart and get kicked out!

4 Play hide and go seek in the tire section.
5 Have a friend push you in a grocery cart and yell "The British are coming!"
6 Stand in the freezer in the Frozen Foods section.
7 Put a bra and thong in a really mocho looking man's grocery cart.
8 Go up to random people and whisper "I see dead people"
9 Attempt to fly off a high shelf.
10 Pass out bananas to random people
The Contenders
11 Knock down wine bottles

Good point! Wine is expensive!

12 Dress in typical Walmart attire blue polo/khaki pants and start belting out orders to employees
13 Beat up all the employees in the store

I would never do that I could get kicked out of Walmart.

That would be a dream come true!

14 Screaming "The price is too expensive."

This would be hilarious

15 Grab a package of condoms and ask an employee where the fitting room is.

I know, it's wrong, but it would be a heck of a way to get kicked out! Someone actually did this one, too.

16 Throw a knife at the meanest employee

This one, along with several others, would be even better at getting you thrown into jail.

17 Blow up the store
18 Bring a gun and shoot the employees
19 Swear at an employee
20 Take off your clothing and stand in front of a lady customer.
21 Make a shopping cart knock down things on a high shelf.
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