Best Ways to Get Rid of a Murderer

Well murderers are rare in such a civilized world but if you bump into one you should probably know how.
The Top Ten
1 Shout "Police!"
2 Hide in a Bush

Classic and hardest to find. Who would do that?

3 Kick Them and Run
4 Hide in a Rubbish Bin
5 Hide in a Wardrobe
6 Hide Under Furniture
7 Run to the Main Streets
8 Throw Random Things at Them
9 Sneak Away Quietly
10 Step on Their Leg
The Contenders
11 Run and Keep Your Distance
12 Spit some phlegm in their eye
13 Throw Disgusting Stuff at Them
14 Kick Their Heels
15 Throw a Knife at them
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